
5 Steps for Successful Eating Disorder Recovery

Full Recovery is Possible

Embarking on the journey to eating disorder and body image dissatisfaction recovery can be challenging and overwhelming. At Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery, we understand the importance of having the right treatment, as early as possible, to help you get better and stay better. Here are our top 5 tips for navigating the path to successful eating disorder recovery.

1. Don’t Delay. Seek Professional Help

It is not always talked about, but eating disorders are progressive, as well as dangerous illnesses. Reach out to a treatment provider or center that specializes in eating disorders. Your treatment begins with an expert evaluation and the right diagnosis. The earlier the better. Eating disorder treatment can be categorized as early intervention or the treatment can be for an eating disorder that has become severe and enduring. Whichever, your health is important, don’t delay or avoid.

The earlier you get treatment, the better is your prognosis. Even if your primary diagnosis is Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, or Binge Eating Disorder, there is often a “co-occurring diagnosis”, such as one of the Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, or trauma. This has to be treated in an expert manner. Symptoms such as self-starvation or restriction creates mental health symptoms such as anxiety or depression. The sooner your eating disorder treatment begins, the sooner you will feel better.

At Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery, each initial evaluation we conduct is also a “Level-of-Care Assessment”. Meaning, it is our job to make sure you are at the right level of care. The three levels of care are: Inpatient/Residential, PHP/IOP, outpatient private practice. At Resilience, we offer Comprehensive outpatient care. We are trained in evidenced-based outpatient approaches, such as FBT, CBT-E, and DBT for Eating Disorders. We can collaborate with an Adolescent Medicine Specialist, your pediatrician, or your PCP, for your outpatient medical safety.

Eating Disorders thrive on isolation

2. Build Your Support Community. Find a Group!

Your Eating Disorder wants to keep you isolated. In fact, eating disorders thrive on isolation! Having a strong support system is crucial for lasting recovery. Share your struggles and goals with trusted friends and family members who can offer encouragement and understanding

For your mental health and your recovery, find yourself a group. Find several groups! Connecting with others who share similar experiences with food and body image can help you with your own self-compassion. We offer therapy groups for eating disorder recovery including Comprehensive DBT for eating disorders. Our clients who have found full recovery often made up their own outpatient program of professional therapy groups and free support groups.

3. Develop Healthy Coping Strategies & Good Self-Care

Eating disorders often develop as a way to cope with difficult emotions or situations. Replace disordered eating behaviors with healthier coping strategies, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical activity, or pursuing creative outlets like art or writing. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is essential for recovery. Establish a regular self-care routine that includes balanced meals, adequate sleep, stress management, social and physical activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Don’t get off the train before your final destination

4. Stay Committed to your Recovery

Full Recovery is Possible. Don’t get off the train before your final destination. You might be tempted to get off at an earlier stop and walk around, using the metaphor of a train ride. Maybe you tell your treatment team, “I need a break! This is too hard!” If that happens, take a breath and resume your appointments and continue your treatment. Yes, this might be the hardest thing you ever do, but the rewards are greater than you can imagine right now.

At Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery, we don’t sell round trip tickets, we are here to help you continue all phases of your recovery until you put your eating disorder behind you. Our recovered clients go on to live full and productive lives.

5. Have a solid Relapse Prevention Plan

The most important thing to remember is that a “lapse” is not a relapse. In our experience, relapse is not inevitable, it is actually highly preventable. During the course of your recovery, you will be putting in building blocks to better relationship with your body and with food – using strategies such as techniques for delaying binging/purging urges, tolerating any needed weight gain, incorporating exposures for your fear foods. and food/social exposures for eating with others. Your therapist and your treatment team will help you with all these steps. Your bravery is the foundation that your recovery is built on.

So try not to let a lapse turn into a relapse. Know your signs that can indicate you could be slipping back into eating disorder thinking and behaviors. Have your support team/family/roommates learn to recognize your signs as well. Whether a lapse or a full-blown relapse, get support and get right back on the train to recovery. Through your therapy you will learn to enjoy your life again, feel good in your body, celebrate your health, and experience normalized and joyful eating. Is it possible? We know it is!



Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery: Your Partner in Eating Disorder Recovery

At Resilience, we’re committed to helping individuals on their path to eating disorder recovery. Our experienced therapists provide evidence-based treatment options, including FBT, CBT-E, and DBT-ED, tailored to your unique needs and challenges. We believe that with expert care, you can overcome your eating disorder and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Navigating the path to eating disorder recovery can be challenging, but with the right tools, strategies, and support, you can achieve lasting healing. By following these top 5 tips and partnering with professionals like Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery, you can build a strong foundation for a healthier, happier future. Reach out to the Resilience team today to learn more about our specialized treatment options and how we can support you on your journey to recovery.

Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery

Gender-Inclusive ∙ Culturally Compassionate

The Perfect Union: Combining FBT & DBT for a Comprehensive Approach to Eating Disorder Treatment

As a parent, navigating your child’s eating disorder recovery can be an overwhelming and emotional journey. At Resilience Therapy, we understand the importance of finding the right therapeutic approach for your family. By combining Family-Based Treatment (FBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), we offer a comprehensive and evidence-based treatment plan tailored to your child’s unique needs.

Understanding FBT and DBT

Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is an evidence-based approach that involves the entire family in the recovery process. It empowers parents to take an active role in their child’s treatment, providing them with the tools and support they need to help their child overcome their eating disorder.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is another evidence-based therapy that combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. DBT focuses on four key skill areas: mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. These skills help individuals better understand and manage their thoughts, feelings, and actions, promoting healthier choices and improved relationships.

The Compatibility of FBT & DBT: A Powerful Combination

FBT and DBT complement each other well, providing a comprehensive approach to eating disorder treatment. Here’s how these two therapies work together:

  1. FBT focuses on parental involvement and support, while DBT emphasizes the development of individual skills. By combining both approaches, treatment can address both the family dynamics and the individual needs of the person with the eating disorder.
  2. DBT skills can enhance the effectiveness of FBT by helping parents and children better manage emotions, communicate more effectively, and cope with distressing situations.
  3. Both FBT and DBT prioritize collaboration and validation, creating a supportive therapeutic environment that fosters trust and open communication.
  4. FBT and DBT can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each family, allowing for flexibility and customization of treatment plans.

Resilience Therapy: Your Partner in FBT & DBT Treatment

At Resilience Therapy, our skilled therapists specialize in both FBT and DBT, providing a comprehensive and evidence-based treatment approach for your family. We understand the unique challenges faced by parents and children navigating eating disorder recovery, and we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way.

By combining the strengths of FBT and DBT, your family can benefit from a holistic treatment plan that addresses both the emotional and behavioral aspects of eating disorders. This powerful union can help your child achieve lasting recovery while fostering healthier family dynamics and communication.

The compatibility of FBT and DBT offers an innovative and comprehensive approach to eating disorder treatment. By combining these evidence-based therapies, Resilience Therapy can support your family in overcoming the challenges of eating disorder recovery and promoting lasting healing. Reach out to Resilience Therapy today to learn more about our unique approach and how we can help your family on the path to recovery.