Transforming Lives Through

Evidence Based Eating Disorder Therapy

Pediatric • Adolescent • Adult

At Resilience Therapy, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and evidence-based services for children, teens, and adolescents struggling with various eating disorders. Our experienced and compassionate therapists understand the unique challenges and complexities associated with eating disorders, and we are committed to guiding our clients on their journey towards recovery, improved self-esteem, and a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

What is an Eating Disorder?

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions resulting from a combination of factors, including genetic predisposition, psychological factors, social and cultural influences, environmental factors, family dynamics, and biological factors. These disorders involve disturbed eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Contributing factors vary between individuals, and early intervention and professional treatment are essential for recovery and maintaining a healthy relationship with food and body image.

Get The Help You Need

Common Eating Disorders

Resilience therapy can empower individuals to overcome the challenges posed by eating disorders, which affect nearly one in ten people in the U.S. during their lifetime. Common eating disorders Include:

These disorders can be addressed through resilience-building strategies. By fostering resilience, individuals can better cope with the difficulties associated with these disorders, reducing the risk of tragic outcomes. Developing resilience is a crucial component in the recovery process, as it helps individuals better manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors related to food and body image.

How We Treat

Our diverse range of services includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Enhanced (CBT-E), Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders (DBT-ED), Exposure Therapy, and Health at Every Size® (HAES) oriented approach. By offering a variety of specialized therapies, we can tailor our support to meet the specific needs of each client, fostering an individualized path to recovery. At Resilience Therapy, we believe in creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment that promotes hope, growth, and resilience for children, teens, and adolescents facing eating disorders. Let us help you or your loved one embark on the journey to a healthier and happier life.

Experience Hope

Prevention First Approach

Internationally Acclaimed, Evidence-Based Therapeutic Treatments

Eating Disorder Prevention & Development of Body Positivity

Every child has growth that is predetermined by their genetic make-up. By following a child’s natural growth for height and weight, we can determine where they should fall naturally at any given stage through puberty and adolescence. Supporting a child’s intuition to eat with their hunger and stop when they are full, allows them to reach their full growth potential and blossom.

Developing fear foods and restricting food groups, can not only suppress weight , when weight loss continues 12 months or so. it can also interfere with height. When this happens, there are limited windows of opportunity to regain potential for genetically destined height. Restricting intake leads to a malnourished brain and mental health symptoms increase, causing alarm.

At Resilience Therapy we are here to support and guide you, to help keep your household Body Positive and help your child reach their full growth potential and blossom the way they should – in mind, body, and soul.

Body Positivity correlates to Positive Self-Esteem.

Our Treatment Methods

effective recovery is one step away

The Resilience DBT & Eating Recovery Program offers expert assessment and evidenced-based treatment for the full range of eating disorders and body image problems. We are experienced and certified to treat pediatric, adolescent, and adult eating disorders with boys and girls, and with men and women. We are trained to recognize the biological and brain-based underpinnings of eating disorders and utilize the Evidenced-Based treatments – Family-Based Therapy (FBT) or Maudsley Approach, CBT-E, and DBT for Eating Disorders. Parents are always included as an essential and an integral part of a child or teen’s recovery from an eating disorder.


Family-Based Treatment (FBT) stands as the gold standard for addressing eating disorders in children and adolescents, particularly for early-onset cases of anorexia, bulimia, and ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder). FBT is now recognized as the first line of treatment.

This approach places parents at the forefront of their child’s re-nourishment and weight restoration process, guided by a certified FBT practitioner and in collaboration with an outpatient pediatrician or adolescent medicine specialist. The child or adolescent, alongside their parents, undergo a thorough screening to ensure their suitability for this protocol, which is conducted in the least restrictive environment – the comfort of your home!


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-E)

At Resilience Therapy, we specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Enhanced (CBT-E) to support children, teens, and adolescents struggling with eating disorders. Our compassionate and highly skilled therapists are dedicated to helping your loved ones develop resilience and overcome challenges associated with various eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED).

We understand that each individual’s experience is unique, and that’s why our approach to CBT-E is tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients across all age groups. Our therapy sessions are time-limited, structured, and goal-oriented, typically involving individual sessions with a therapist.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders (DBT-ED)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders is an eating disorder treatment we use for adults who struggle with co-occuring mental health issues and an eating disorder.

DBT-ED is the treatment of choice for individuals that struggle with co-occurring mental health issues in addition to the eating disorder; such as depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation or PTSD. This comprehensive treatment method addresses the complexity of these mental health issues, in concert, prioritizing the most dangerous symptoms first. DBT Skills Training is excellent method for follow-up Aftercare and Relapse Prevention after a residential or intensive Eating Disorder treatment program.

Expressive Arts Therapies

Expressive Arts therapies are powerful and effective modalities in the treatment of eating disorders. Unexpressed emotions and thoughts out of awareness, interfere with true recovery. Art Therapy, Dance/Movement Therapy, music, and psychodramatic role-play make emotions, bodily-felt sensations, and cognition more accessible. Once emotions and thoughts are accessible, one can better utilize the problem solving methods in CBT and DBT.

Eating Disorder Recovery Groups

During recovery from an eating disorder, your emotions must be identified. Next you must address the over-control or under-control of emotions and eating patterns or the dysregulation of emotions and eating patterns. We’ve designed our skills groups to help you do just that.

Our groups programs serve Adolescents/Parents, Young Adults and University Students and Adults

Join a Group

Who We Treat

We treat men and women, boys and girls, as young as 6 years old. Resilience DBT & Eating Disorder has a firm commitment to treating each client in the Multi-Cultural Framework, within their personal gender identity. We are trained to detect and treat eating disorders in athletes and dancers . We support All Bodies and are Health at Every Size (HAES) Providers.


Doctors often overlook boys with eating disorders because of the stigma of having a “female disease.” We want our clients to know that we do not discriminate and treat anyone with an underlying illness.


Social media heavily influences girls today and adds pressure to have their bodies look a certain way. Other possible influences for eating disorders include biological and psychological factors.


When it comes to eating disorders, society often views them as an illness that only affects females. However, eating disorders are diagnosed more and more in males.


Eating disorders prominently affect women and affect up to 85%-95% of individuals who suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.


The pressure to perform and compete is a common stressor for many athletes, dancers, and gymnasts. When there is an over-emphasis on body weight and shape, this can contribute to the development of eating disorders.


Wrestlers live a life of “making weight”, which can cause dysregulation in eating and mood. Eating disorders and disordered eating are common in wrestlers.


Gymnastics is considered a weight-related sport. Staying healthy, focused, and eating for strength is important.


Runners need to stay strong and avoid REDS-S syndrome, or Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport. Runners are more likely to be energy deficient than non-runners.

Ice Skaters

Ice skating Is another weight-related sport that has an incidence of eating disorders.


Members of the LGTBQ+ experience eating disorders, disordered eating, and related mental health conditions at a high rate.


We celebrate all dance companies that promote Body Positivity and Body Size Diversity to prevent the development of Eating Disorders

How We Treat

Explore the benefits of an evidence-based approach to therapy

Family Based Treatment (FBT)

FBT, or the Maudsley approach, is a Gold Standard treatment. FBT is a culturally-sensitive method that keeps a child in their family environment.

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-E)

We specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Enhanced (CBT-E) to support children, teens, and adolescents struggling with eating disorders

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Comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Our compassionate and highly skilled therapists are dedicated to helping your loved ones develop emotional resilience, improve their self-esteem, and overcome challenges associated with various eating disorders.

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How do I begin?

Our team is dually and expertly trained in the Treatment of Eating Disorders and DBT for Mental Health. Our Evidenced-Based approaches include FBT, CBT-E, DBT-ED, and Comprehensive DBT for co-occurring mental health conditions. Our outpatient practice has helped Children, Teens and Adults achieve full Eating Disorder Recovery and Mental Health Stability for over 25 years.


Schedule your 15 minute free phone consultation

This phone screening is highly confidential to help determine if coming to the Resilience practice is the best course for you or your loved one.


Complete an Expert and Comprehensive Intake

During your intake appointment we will gather more information to identify your stressors and needs. And work with you to develop your resilience treatment plan.


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Meet with a practitioner to get started on your journey of healing and wellness you know you deserve.

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